The Vig Company Announces V2 October 2022 Performance!

V2 Beating SP500 By Over 25%

Good morning.

Here is how the V2 Model Newsletter and our benchmark for the SP500 (SPY) performed last month and so far in 2022:

V2 Newsletter Performance


V2 -7.36%

SPY +8.12%

This year:

V2 +3.19%

SPY -17.75%

Most equity markets had a strong month. The V2 Model Portfolio made several changes and finished down in October. This performance has stretched our lead over the SP500 to over 25% for 2022.

The V2 Model has done a good job this year keeping us out of trouble and beating the SP500.

If you want to follow how we use the math to manage the coming months, I encourage you to become a V2 Premium Member for only $15 a month. You can sign up here.

You can also learn more by going to

Here are some views of our performance:

V2 2022 Monthly Performance. Beating the SP500 by roughly 25%.

V2 Performance Since Inception. Up over 1500%. Beating the SP500 by 8X.

Follow the math.
