V2 Update - How many trades made were profitable?

Good Morning.

Here are a couple of questions I have been asked this week:

How many changes are there each year?

There have been 23 trade dates from January of 2016 to April of 2020. An average of 5.3 times a year.

How many trades have been profitable?

Of the 23 trades from January of 2016 to April of 2020, 10 were profitable, 13 were losers, for a 43% success rate. The significant gains from the model come from holding winning trends longer and getting out of losing trends quickly.

Shifting between TQQQ, Cash, and SH the V2 Model has gained an impressive 438% since 2016. Our benchmark of SPY has gained 37.53%.



V2 and market updates from investor, and former CEO Chris Vig.

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