V2 Model Oct. 22, 2022 CHANGE

Fed Leak Shifts Market Friday!


The stock market had a strong week that saw the S&P 500, Dow, and Nasdaq register gains of 4.7%, 4.9%, and 5.2%, respectively. Price action in the Treasury market was highly influential over price action in the equity market.

On Friday, The Wall Street Journal published an article by Nick Timiraos that indicated the Fed will raise rates by another 75 basis points at the November meeting, but will then possibly consider a smaller increase at the December meeting. Mr. Timiraos is thought by some to be the Fed's preferred source for leaking insight on what they are thinking about monetary policy in order to gauge the market's reaction to their thinking. These comments coincided with the 10-yr note yield pulling back to 4.21% and equities shifting back into rally mode.

The V2 Model Portfolio was down this week. We continue to outpace our benchmark of the SP500 by roughly 24%. We will make a change during Monday's session.

Performance This Week / YTD

V2 -4.51% / +3.32%

SPY +4.66% / -20.48%

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