V3 - The Know It All Money Machine - Composer

V2 Poor Performance In 2023

V2 was launched in 2016. The newsletter was started in 2020. Both had a simple mission to beat the SP500 using quantitative techniques. While that was achieved over the longer term - we beat the SP500 for 6 consecutive years - 2023 has been a very poor year for the portfolio. As of today, V2 is down roughly 8% for the year. Making this the first year in 7 we did not beat the SP500.

With that as a backdrop, we will be making modifications to our model and process early in 2024.


  1. We will sell all of our portfolio assets in V2 (currently in our ETRADE brokerage). We will notify everyone when this will occur - most likely next week.

  2. We will move all V2 portfolio assets to a new brokerage called COMPOSER and invest in a new algorithm we have created.

  3. We have designed, backtested, and live-tested a new algorithm code-named for now the “KNOW IT ALL MONEY MACHINE”. (KIAM.)

  4. We will provide a link below to Composer and the link to KIAM (in January) should you wish to invest in it moving forward. We do not receive any fees or commissions should you invest in it - only our newsletter monthly fee.

  5. Our newsletter will continue to give our portfolio allocations, market data, charts, perspective, and performance updates. We will also provide a link to use when we update the algorithm formulas.

  6. After the modifications, we will no longer send Change newsletters. Composer will automatically make changes according to our model.

Why Composer?

  1. Composer is a new algorithm-based trading platform. In it, you can build, follow, or invest in algorithms. Those algorithms are called symphonies.

  2. Composer executes your trading strategy, making trades and rebalancing automatically. Trades are made during the last few minutes of each trading day.

  3. You will no longer need to be on the lookout for our newsletters and changes. They will be made automatically, reducing stress and time commitment for all of us.

  4. You can build a strategy, have AI build one, follow one in the public community or you can follow and invest in KIAM. KIAM will not be available in the community space on Composer. It will only be available through our newsletter.

  5. We expect the KIAM algo to change over time - we will send a link to the premium subscribers each time that happens.

  6. Composer has a very easy-to-use and effective back-testing feature. This is a great feature to compare and contrast strategies.

  7. There are no commissions or trading fees in Composer.

  8. There is an annual fee of $288 annually or $24 a month to use Composer.

  9. The Vig Company has zero affiliation with Composer. We are users of their tools just like any other individual. And similar to any brokerage we might employ.

  10. Composers’ customer service and communication have been exceptional.


V2 beat the SPY for the past 3 months. KIAM has better performance. KIAM uses a combination of three different strategies and will use both long and short-leveraged ETFs - similar in concept to V2.

Oct. 1 through Dec. 27, 2024.

V2 +15.21%

SPY +11.97%

KIAM +63.88%

Know It All vs SPY

We have been backtesting dozens of strategies over many different time frames to improve total gains and minimize drawdowns. We have been live testing for a couple of months. Backtesting results have no impact on future results.


In summary, we are shifting to Composer and automating our new and updated investment strategies. While I am extremely disappointed in our performance this year. I am thrilled about the new opportunities and our new Composer models heading into 2024.

Here is a link for you to review and sign up for Composer. https://www.composer.trade/

With this sharing code, you can receive $50. Vig Co will receive $50 also, which we will donate to the Goodman Community Center.


And of course, if you are not interested you can unsubscribe at any time.


Market information from Bloomberg, ETRADE, Morningstar, Composer, and StockCharts.com.

Copyright 2023. The Vig Company LLC Monona, WI 53716 [email protected]