V2 Model November 25, 2020 Thanksgiving Edition

Good morning!

Welcome new Members.

Here is our performance this year compared to our benchmark of SPY:

V2 +118.59%

SPY +14.51%

All of the Ratio's look good and we remain long.

More importantly, thank you for being a part of The Vig Company! We appreciate your involvement and hope our Models have helped with your investment goals.

Please see the chart below of Seaboard company. You will notice a couple of things:

  1. Seaboard which owns Butterball Turkey is up 25% since September.

  2. We are not suggesting you buy Seaboard stock or a Butterball Turkey, but you can see our sophisticated annotation on the chart is clear.

Have a great Holiday and coming weekend. Please stay safe, enjoy your friends and family (even if it has to be digitally) and help others if you can.

The V2 Model has performed exactly as expected.



ps. Please invite others to join The Vig Company. And also, please, do not share the V2 Model allocations with others. We keep the monthly charges low for all as everyone pays their own way. Our information should not be copied or shared in any form.

Use of The Vig Company LLC information and newsletters herein is at one's own risk. We are simply sharing the results of our Models. Nothing should be construed as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any securities, and we are not liable nor do we assume any responsibility for losses incurred as a result of any information provided or not provided or not made available in a timely manner herein or on our website or using any other medium. We cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information furnished by us. We may buy, sell or hold any security listed in our information at any time. We are not registered investment advisors and have no understanding of your personal financial situation, risk tolerances, or investing objectives. Any investment decisions you make are your own own. Please do your own diligence when investing your hard earned money.

Copyright 2020. The Vig Company LLC 6203 Ridgewood Ave. Monona, WI 53716 [email protected]