V2 Model May 12, 2022 CHANGE


The V2 Model touched overbought areas today on longer-term time frames and the Sp500 is near a key point of support. The trend is still down for the Sp500 but we will make a change today to reduce our volatility while still following the downtrend.

Also, please note that V2 is quicker to exit short positions than long positions. The market has risen consistently over many decades - hence the probabilities support leaving shorts sooner than long positions.

We will make changes during tomorrow's session. I'll have more updates this weekend.


Sell 50% of SDS and leave in CASH.

V2 Holdings (Allocation)

SDS (50%)

CASH (50%)


Our plan going forward? Market trends may change and they may change rapidly. We will stay nimble and be vigilant to changes in either direction. We will follow the math.



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Copyright 2022. The Vig Company LLC 6203 Ridgewood Ave. Monona, WI 53716 [email protected]