V2 Model February 6, 2021 Update

Good morning!

Welcome new Members.

Here is V2 performance versus our benchmark of SPY.

This week:

V2 +17.14%

SPY +4.77%

This year:

V2 +21.99%

SPY +3.7%

The major market indexes ended this week in the green with all averages solidly higher. The Russell 2000 Small Cap Index, which has been a bright spot in recent months, continues to lead all major markets with a more than 7% return for the week. (Our holding of TNA was up over 24%.) Both the MSCI EAFE and Emerging Markets (EM) international markets had positive weeks as well.

V2 had a good week. Although, what a difference week makes. The Model (last weekend) looked like it was going to cross and have us reallocate to cash and short on Monday. Instead, the markets rallied and we added to our positions on Tuesday.

Attached are V2 Ratio #1 charts for our holdings. You can see the dip and rebound this week. As such we remain long.

I have also enclosed a daily chart of the CPCE index. It is one of the 49 ratios in the V2 model. The Put/Call Ratio is an indicator that shows put volume relative to call volume. Put options are used to hedge against market weakness or bet on a decline. Call options are used to hedge against market strength or bet on an advance. You can see (red circle) the three times in the past year the ratio crossed to hedge risk-off areas. You can also see (green circle) this week it spiked but did not cross. We do not forecast from this. We use it to confirm positions.

This week I was asked my opinion of Cathy Woods and ARK Investment ETFs. Here is what I said:

  1. Her bets on innovation are smart and correct.

  2. Her performance is outstanding.

  3. We have owned (and continue to own) ARKK and ARKG for a few years now.

  4. $10,000 invested in ARKK from 2016 to this weekend would be worth $42,818. Awesome. $10,000 invested following V2 over the same time period would be worth $58,353. Better.

Our plan this week? We will stay flexible and keep an open mind to changes in either direction. We will follow the math.

V2 currently holds:

TNA (56%)

TQQQ (44%)

The V2 Model has performed exactly as expected.



ps. Please invite others to join The Vig Company. And also, please, do not share the V2 Model allocations with others. We keep the monthly charges low for all as everyone pays their own way. Our information should not be copied or shared in any form.

Use of The Vig Company LLC information and newsletters herein is at one's own risk. We are simply sharing the results of our Models. Nothing should be construed as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any securities, and we are not liable nor do we assume any responsibility for losses incurred as a result of any information provided or not provided or not made available in a timely manner herein or on our website or using any other medium. We cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information furnished by us. We may buy, sell or hold any security listed in our information at any time. We are not registered investment advisors and have no understanding of your personal financial situation, risk tolerances, or investing objectives. Any investment decisions you make are your own own. Please do your own diligence when investing your hard earned money.

Copyright 2020. The Vig Company LLC 6203 Ridgewood Ave. Monona, WI 53716 [email protected]