V2 Model February 18, 2022 - Who Is Winning?

I saw an interview with Cathie Woods - the leader of ARK Investment Funds - on Thursday on CNBC. She was being questioned about the recent poor performance of their ARK funds. It was fascinating. Her basic message was stay on plan for the long term - innovation always wins.

Some talking heads after the interview compared her fund performance to that of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway. Their stock, BRK/B, has been on a roll lately.

And of course, her performance is always compared to the SP500.

That got me thinking... over the last couple of years who has done better. So we measured and compared the performance of each fund and our V2 Newsletter since Jan. 1 of 2020. (That was the date we launched our newsletter service.)

Cathie Woods has a strong conviction and is disciplined following her growth, innovation strategy. Her ARKK fund is significantly off its high point and continues to trend lower. ARKK is up 37% since Jan. 1, 2020.

Warren Buffet has a strong conviction and is disciplined to his deep value strategy. As interest rates have moved higher his BRK/B stock has done well. BRK/B is up 39% since Jan. 1, 2020.

The SP500 is the benchmark we all follow. SPY is up 40% since Jan. 1, of 2020.

My company, The Vig Company, has a strong conviction and is disciplined to follow the math towards strong trending assets. The V2 Newsletter is up 203% since Jan. 1, 2020.

There is really no question - over this time period - who has had the best performance. The V2 Newsletter with more than 5X the gains.

The best part is you can use any of these to grow your portfolio. I have owned ARKK in the past and am looking for a turnaround to buy it again. And, currently, Renee and I have investments in SPY, BRK/B, and of course, V2!

Thank you, current Members, for being a part of this. I will get updates out this weekend for V2 and EV4.

If you are not a Member and would like to see our V2 holdings, allocations, history, and changes as they occur I urge you to subscribe below.



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