V2 Model December 31, 2022 Update

Good bye 2022! We Are Looking Forward To The New Year!


Happy New Year!

We just finished what is perhaps one of the toughest investing years in more than a century.  Combined, stocks and bonds had their poorest performance since 1871.

This last week of the year shaped up to be like most of 2022, disappointing for the stock market. The major indices remained under pressure from continued weakness in some of the most beaten-up names this year. Specifically, mega-cap losses accelerated this week on lingering valuation concerns and presumably tax-loss selling activity by participants who bought into the seemingly invincible stocks last year. 

V2 was up slightly this week and benefited in a small way from the SH dividend payout today.

V2 finished 2022 by beating the SP500 by 10.7%.

V2 was up .33% for the month of December.  While the SP500 lost 5.76%.  

We will release a full year-end recap with some thoughts and ideas for 2023 in a few days.   We have a bit more work to do.

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