V2 Model Up Over 60%

Good morning!

Welcome new members.

With gains early this morning the V2 Model approached a nearly 62% gain for the year.


To achieve these types of gains the model needs to distinguish between volatility to ignore and volatility to respect.

See the chart below: TQQQ has experienced losses of nearly 10% or greater 4 times since mid-April. Each time the V2 Model did not make a change. Each time we went on to post new highs.

We should not be surprised if we pull back again from this point. Do expect more volatility going forward.

We will remain vigilant and flexible. We will follow the V2 Model if and when it indicates we should change positions.

The V2 Model has performed exactly as expected.

Visit our website (below), discover more, join and find our our current allocations for $15/month.



ps. Please invite others to join The Vig Company. And also, please, do not share the model allocations with others. We keep the monthly charges low for all as everyone pays their own way. Our information should not be copied or shared in any form.

V2 and market updates from investor, and former CEO Chris Vig.

The Vig Company LLC information and newsletters are for entertainment purposes only. We may buy, hold or sell any security listed in our work at any time. We are not registered investment advisors and have no understanding of your personal financial situation, risk tolerances, or investing objectives. Any investment decisions you make are your own. Please do your own diligence when investing your hard earned money.

Copyright 2020. The Vig Company LLC 6203 Ridgewood Ave. Monona, WI 53716 [email protected]