V2 Killing It!

Words From Our V2 Members

Good morning:

I had a lot of comments from Members regarding V2 and our performance this week as we extended our lead on the SP500 to nearly 30% for the year.

I appreciate the kind words very much. Here are a few of them:

"More pain in the market today (thank God I am with V2)!"

"V2 Rocks!"

"You singlehandedly saved our retirement accounts!"

"I love you V2. Follow the math!"

"Nice job, Chris."

"Hell yes!"

"Holy V2! My only regret is not going bigger..."

"Good job. What you do is not easy to do!"

"Just make sure V2 sticks around another 20 years!"

"And down we go. But... V2 killing it!"

"Way to go V2"

And my personal favorite.

"Can I buy you a beer?"

Thank you all so much. As proud as we are of this week, we are much happier with our long-term performance.

If you are not a premium member and would like to see what we do. You can learn more and sign up here for only $15/month. The Vig Company. 


Our plan? Market trends may change and they may change rapidly. We will stay nimble and be vigilant to changes in either direction. We will follow the math.

