Did You Wait 21 Months To Make Money In The SP500?

Not If You Were Following V2!

Good morning.

Markets rebounded a little bit this morning. That got me thinking about where we are over the past couple of years.

Look at the chart below for SPY (SP500). See the horizontal blue line. It traces the price from today back to 12/31/2020. You can see they are the same number.

What does that mean?

That means if you owned SPY (or another SP500 index ETF) you would not have made a cent for 21 months . That's right. Not one cent.

The SP500 has gone sideways for 21 months.

In the same time period, our V2 Newsletter is up roughly 46%. That's right. Up 46%.

This is one of the reasons I built V2. I wanted a tool to avoid making nothing for long periods of time. Like from 1966 to 1982. 16 years! Or from From 2000 to 2012. 12 years! In both time periods markets went sideways for more than a decade!

Building the Model was a lot of work. Time, effort and math went into it creating it. Then we did millions of iterations to find the best timing. The result was V2. In V2 we use 127 different asset class ratios on multiple time frames to compare against any security. We do not forecast. We follow our math.

V2 is not perfect. Nothing is. But our V2 Model give us a fighting chance and a good probability of getting us on the right side of extended trends in either direction. Over time, our math has allowed us to beat the market.

I encourage you to check out our performance below and if you are tired of going sideways follow V2 for a bit and see if it is right for you. Our V2 Newsletter is only $15 a month and you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you do subscribe to V2. Thank you for being a part of our community.

V2 Newsletter Performance


V2 +9.00%

SPY -9.24%

This year:

V2 +11.40%

SPY -23.93%

Markets had a down September. The V2 Model made several changes and beat the SP500 by roughly 18%. This performance has stretched our lead over the SP500 to over 35% for 2022.

The V2 Model has done a good job this year keeping us out of trouble and beating the SP500.

Looking ahead our math, ratios, and charts indicate there may be more pain in October. If you want to follow how we use the math to manage the coming months, I encourage you to become a V2 premium member for only $15 a month. You can sign up here.

You can also learn more by going to thevigcompany.com.

Here are some views of our performance:

V2 2022 Monthly Performance. Beating the SP500 by 35%.

V2 Performance Since Inception. Up over 1600%. Beating the SP500 by over 8X.

Follow the math.
